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Q&A: Understanding the Impact of the Red Sea Crisis

Windward’s recent webinar on the Red Sea crisis was their most popular one yet.  Host Ami Daniel, Windward’s Co-Founder and CEO, kept it interactive and made sure that the top industry experts who were participating shared their actionable insights and answered as many of the questions that popped up as possible. Those experts included:

  • Peter Sand, Chief Analyst, Xeneta

  • Joshua Hutchinson, Managing Director Intelligence & Risk, Ambrey

  • Jakob P. Larsen, Head of Maritime Security and Safety, BIMCO 

Dark Activities by Container Vessels 

Question: Is it safer to turn off a vessel’s AIS to avoid Houthi attacks?

Joshua Hutchinson from Ambrey noted that some vessels that turned their AIS off early on in the conflict were still targeted. There are several ways to track a vessel that are still publicly available. Turning off the AIS doesn’t mean a vessel is completely hidden. We’ve also seen an escalation in the past couple of weeks where we see spotters on the water. UAVs are being used to recon targets before impact, that has been well-recorded in the area.” 

What is BIMCO’s recommendation? Jakob P. Larsen explained that the decision depends on each company and their risk assessment. The reality is that BIMCO can’t and won’t give specific recommendations, but rather outlines what is going on and how these factors interact, and then each organization can make its own decision, depending on its risk appetite.How we can help

Vessel Movement Patterns and the Suez Canal

Question: Do you notice a pattern of vessels crossing the Suez Canal and turning back to Europe?

The Windward Maritime AI™ platform’s new Sequence Search capability enables users to track vessels’ sequence of activities. During the webinar, Mattan Benyamini, Product Manager at Windward, used this new technology to report that 15 large cargo container vessels had visited the Mediterranean Sea, passed through the Suez Canal, and then returned to Europe within the last month. This pattern underlines the significant impact of the crisis on the global supply chain. During this ongoing crisis, technology can be and should be used to stay on top of changes. 

A report from Windward posted on January 18, 2024.
















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